Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pig Hunt & Yard Project

This past weekend Cleo was able to go on a wild pig hunt with a couple guys he works with. They got up early Sunday morning and headed over to Dublin Georgia and hunted all day. Cleo shot his pig pretty early and then he just "chilled" while the other people hunted theirs. He said it was a hoot and he would definately do it again. We're excited to try it and see if it's any good. We just had to buy a new grill so we got the spit attachment for it and we're gonna grill up one of the roasts this weekend when Jarod and Lindsey come down. I'll let ya know how it taste!!! The gang with their bounty...and yes, that's a girl on the end!!!
Cleo and a couple other hunters

Not a huge pig (maybe 75-80 lbs.) but he was sure proud of it :~)_
Also last week we had our last (well maybe) yard project for this year done. Cleo cut down the clump of trees to the right of the house as they were looking pretty sickly and then we had a guy come in and grind the stump and then we laid sod. It looks pretty nice and will be much easier to mow without having to go around that mess! We then had concrete curbing put around the 2 little trees in the front yard as well as the flower beds...we took out all the old red mulch and replaced it with chocolate mulch which looks much nicer and goes better with the brick on the house. We had the little area that was in the front porch (small flower bed) removed and concrete laid there as soon as that cures for a couple weeks the guy will come back and lay a texture over the porch and put some color in it. We now have a much bigger entry and it will be nice when it's all done. I bought 4 solar lamps and lined the porch with them and they really look pretty...especially at night when they're lit up.

Grinding the stump

The new patch of sod...will look nice next year when it blends with the other grass

Concrete curbing...the color matches the brick on our house and looks great!

Front flower bed...I purposely didn't take pics of the front porch as I will do that when it's done in a few weeks. We're pretty sure this will be the last project for this year...but then again, we always manage to find something else we want done!!! I think we need to give the wallet a rest for now :~)


Tami said...

Looks really good! Someday I hope we can come see it.I know about the wallet, we just finished our deck, but we still have so much to do. It is never ending. Yours looks rally nice. Love ya

Zach and Sara said...

Oh wow, it's so pretty. You guys are so creative with your yard. If we ever have a house and not a townhouse and have to do our own yard I'm not sure we'll have anything but grass (weeds)..same thing. Love you mama!!!