Monday, March 30, 2009

Let's Talk Turkey...

Okay, so on any given day while Cleo is at work, this is what our yard and the woods surrounding it look like...full of turkeys. And yet as soon as he gets home, camos up and heads into the woods to hunt turkey they amazingly disappear! Turkey season officially opened on March 21st and Cleo has diligently tried to call in a turkey and kill one without resorting to sitting on the back porch and just shooting one at the feeder. Several weeks before the season opened, we headed to the sporting goods' store, got him a turkey call thingamajig and he has been practicing (in the house while I'm trying to read or watch tv!) his turkey calls. He has read up on the internet and had coffee at the local waffle house with several old locals and tried to get all the ins and outs of successfully calling in a turkey and yesterday late in the afternoon it all paid off for him. He was like a little kid who shot something for the first time with his new BB gun when he came walking onto the back porch with his prize over his shoulder and a really big grin on his face...PRICELESS!! I was so excited for him...and we both figured that since he's been feeding them corn all winter it was only fair that he kill at least one of them. He said it was such a rush to call one in and actually get a shot at it.

Cleos' first turkey kill of the 2009 season

This wasn't the biggest Tom we have seen, but he was pretty good size. He had beautiful feathers.

So now that he's figured it out, I'm sure he will be out every night after work and on the weekends trying to do it again and get another one. He doesn't hunt just to kill anything but more for the sport of it. He has gotten pretty "soft" in his old age and he would never just go wild and kill something...but if he could get a really big Tom with a long beard, he would like to have it mounted to add to his "man cave" furnishings.
It is so cool to see him have so much fun right outside our own backdoor. He truly is in heaven our here......


Jake and Liz Postlewait said...

Hi! It is so good to hear from you. Thank you...we think she is pretty cute! I am glad you are doing well. I always ask Jarod about you when we talk. I love following blogs so I am excited to see yours :) I hope all is well!

Rasmussens said...

What the heck do you do with those when he shoots them? I love the pictures of him though. I really miss you guys. Hope all is well.

Tami said...

I can't believe he shot it with a BB gun! Just like when he was a kid. Ask him if he remembers the crow. Can't wait to see ya. Love ya Tami

Tami said...

I knew it wasn't a BB gun I could tell by the photo! Just havin' a laugh. Love ya

Lesli said...

That is so cool that you got to shoot real turkey's. Its like something you would see in a movie. You should
send those pics into some magazine or something. ha ha love you guys! and am so proud of uncle Kev, and his turkey

Zach and Sara said...

Wow, how neat is that? When I talked to him on the phone he sounded pretty dang excited. I bet it was so tasty! Luckies. I love you guys!