Thursday, January 1, 2009


Okay, so this might not be your "typical" ringing in the New Year blog, but I gotta say it was rather peaceful at the Cheney home last night! We did go to some friends for food and fun last night and made it all the way to midnight (maybe the first time to be awake in years!) and watched the ball drop in Times Square. It was a lot of fun to get together with good friends to ring in a new year. But, the best part of the whole night was when we got home and went to bed(get your minds out of the gutters!). You see, Cleo had developed a nasty habit of snoring so loud that it kept me awake---but the kicker was when he woke himself up. So, in Cleo fashion, he surfed the net and found this awesome RipSnore mouth guard and ordered it. I was leary at first thinking there's no way this will work and absolutely no way he'll keep it in all night. Well, much to my surprise...IT WORKS!!! No more snoring and he says he actually feels rested in the mornings again. Of course I'm a much happier camper now that I can sleep thru the night as well. So I guess we rang in the New Year in peace and lets just hope it stays peaceful all year long!

I also wanted to show this really cool sign that Jarod and Lindsey had made for Cleo for Christmas. He hung it the other day above the shed door and it looks really nice. He really loves our "little piece of heaven" out here in the beautiful Georgia country and loves tinkering in his yard and the woods behind. Thanks Jarod and Lindsey for the awesome gift!
I hope that each of you have a happy and healthy 2009. We are looking forward to the new year and all the blessings it will bring our way.

1 comment:

IdahoBringhurst's said...

So tell me Kevin, Does the snore stop thing still work. Apparently I need to consider this...:)