Saturday, March 6, 2010

Meeting Miss Ellie...

I recently spent a week in Salt Lake City meeting our newest granddaughter Ellie Quinn. Of course I'm prejudice, but she really is BEAUTIFUL!!! She seems to be a pretty good baby but Cori is nursing so I couldn't be of much help to her...she is a Mamas' girl. Her 2 big sisters LOVE her so much and are always wanting to hold her and play with her...sometimes a bit too much but it is so sweet to watch them interact with her. I thought Teiha might be bent out of shape a little with not being the "baby" anymore, but she's just so excited to be the Big Sister that nothing else seems to really matter.

My sister was able to come down from Rock Springs for 2 days and hang out with us which was really fun. I sure miss her a lot and wish we lived closer, but I will take what I can get when I can get it. She spoiled the girls usual...and we all had a good time together. On Thursday Sara was able to take off work and we went to meet Brooke and Michelle (Cleos' nieces') and have lunch with was so fun to see them again. Brookes' little guy Luke is about 8 1/2 months old and he was completely infatuated with Kenleigh who is 6 months old. He wanted to hug and "kiss" her and all she wanted to do was play with his was so cute!! Thanks Brooke and Michelle for meeting was good to see you.

All in all it was a great week except, once again, I caught the "CRUD" about half way thru the week. Went to the dr. when I got home and was put on steroids, an inhaler and cough syrup with codeine (amazing stuff!). I'm not really sure what it is about SLC...maybe the poor air quality...but everytime I go I get sick and not just the sniffles sick, but full blown, kick your butt really is annoying.

Anyhow, thanks to my girls for a great week. I love you both so much and wish we were closer and could do these things more often but...It is what it is....and makes me appreciate our times together so much more. Was fun to see Kyle and Mikell also on Friday night..just wish we could've spent a little more time together.
She is changing so much in just her few short weeks here!!
Sound asleep...their couch makes such a great backdrop for pictures!

Me and My Girls...Love them so much

Sara, Kenleigh and Nana

Luke and Kenleigh...kissing cousins

Launa and Teiha playing hairdresser...they really are close sisters and besides the occasional argument, get along great!!


Tami said...

so fun! I wish I could of come to see ya while you were in Utah. Eric has been sick all month :) Life has been crazy. I sure do think about you a lot. Love ya, Tami

Zach and Sara said...

I had so much fun while you were here. We should just do it monthly!