Saturday, October 10, 2009


So I have learned in my 21+ years of marriage to Cleo that I am in charge of killing spiders in our house. He is so skittish when he sees one and rather than kill it...he either tells me to or just ignores it. I am not usually afraid of them just kinda creeped out by them, but I'd much rather kill them than know they are in our house. So this morning as I walked downstairs past the front door, something caught my eye and as I looked closer I realized it was a small scorpion!!! Of course I yell for Cleo to come look and of course he doesn't budge so I ran to the kitchen, got a small container and lid and headed back to pick it up. As I was doing so, I realized it was still alive!!! and so I had to kinda squish the head to stop it and scrape it into the container because of course first thing Monday morning my "bug man" will be gettting a call from me and I need proof to show him. I'm not sure why the picture turned out so blurry, but you get the idea. Anyhow, thought this was an appropriate post for Halloween month.
P.S. Cleo and I got our flu shots and a pneumo vaccine yesterday and my arm is KILLING me! Did they put kerosene in one of those vaccines or am I just a wuss??? Just thought I'd add that little bit of info to generate some sympathy because I'm sure not getting any from Cleo :(


Shari Loveless said...

Spiders are creepy, but a note about your shots. I had the flu shot as well, and my arm is still killing me and its been 3 days now. Just take some advil, it does help. Your new granddaughter is beautiful, and its fun to look into your lives. take care

Tami said...

I hate spiders!!! Eric left his socks on the floor one night. The next morning he went to put them on(why he would put on dirty socks, he's a man)he felt something squisy and sure enough a hobo had moved on in. Made me sick - called the bug man! I coudn't live with scorpions!!! Love ya

Zach and Sara said...

Oh that is just wrong!!! I couldn't sleep at night after seeing one of those gross!!!! Thank goodness for bug men! Loves.

Rasmussens said...

There is nothing to say, but nasty. You are a good women. I would have screamed and ran.

Lesli said...

ah, spiders are the worst! ha ha you are a much better wife than me, even if dan doesn't want to get them i make him! ha ha your the best!